Francisco Dias

Francisco Dias

[ Full Stack Web Developer ]

Rock Climber | Cyclist | Dog Owner | World Traveller


I’ve spent over ten years in hospitality doing a range of operational and people-focused roles within Learning and Development. I was attracted to the fast pace of the industry and the joy of solving problems through the synergy between different people from different backgrounds.

My new found love for programming came about while working with software developers building solutions to make training more accessible and improve internal communication. Seeing how impactful, simple but intelligent, software can be on a business and the people within that business has made me want to be at the epicentre of the current digital revolution.

After some research and a few internet courses, I finally grew in confidence and started a new chapter by enrolling onto GA’s Software Engineering Immersive programme. The programme has given me a broad exposure to coding languages and frameworks which allowed me to create solutions for a wide variety of projects. I now look forward to continuing to grow in the industry as a Software Developer in my next role.





















My Experience

June 2019 - September 2019:

Software Engineer Immersive at General Assembly, London

December 2016 – June 2019

Head of Learning and Development at Honest Burgers Restaurants, London

June 2015 – December 2016

Training & Development Manager for Cabana Brasilian Barbecue Restaurants, London

January 2015 – June 2015

Area Training Manager at itsu limited, London

April 2004 - December 2014

Various Training Roles at Nando’s Restaurants, London

My Recent Work

Mathsobsession Website

A full-stack application using an SQLite database created with Django and Python and with CRUD functionality and different relationships. The independent front end was built with React, styled with Bulma and consumes a RESTful API. I was responsible for Register and Login, both front and backend. I also implemented the front-end for Browse Subjects, All Exercises, Add Exercises routes. The project exposed the importance of breaking down a problem and solving one issue at a time.

Date-a-Base Website

A full-stack application using a NoSQL database, MongoDB and with an independent front end built with React and Bulma. It uses a RESTFul API and Express. I was responsible for the Locations, each Location and Mop pages, both front and backend. I also implemented the logic and map coordinates. The project was a steep learning curve on project management, team communication and content deployment.

Todays News Website

A website news aggregator created with React.js and with an external API. Further, from solidifying the fundamentals of JS and React, it also exposed me to creating single-page applications and the pros and cons of both multi and single-page applications.

Space Invaders Game

A recreation of the arcade game “Space Invaders” using vanilla JS. The project was a great fun way to embed the fundamentals of JS, which became invaluable to the projects that followed it. It helped me understand how to prioritise and manage expectations.